The Lesson of a SongBird

Sorry, I haven’t posted in a while, life has been giving me plenty of to-do lists, but I really want to get back to this blog. For today’s post, I want to share this quote:


No matter what happens…every new day, every new morning, birds always sing.

Let that be a reminder for us…Each new day we should start with a bright outlook, with a song in our hearts. We should start every day with a clean slate, an open mind, and a grateful heart. Because what good does it do to dwell on the bad things that happened recently (or even a long time ago)? All it does is bring sadness, and distract you from the blessings of now. I admit I sometimes can get caught up on things that happened to me in the past that make me sad…but all that does is bring up the pain that should be left behind. Why bother yourself with worries/pain from the past? Why make yourself feel those emotions over and over? Why give the adversary that power over you? Release yourself from your pain – leave it in the past where it belongs.

Together, let’s choose to start our day as if its a new year. Forget how bad yesterday was – think “Today is a new day.”


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